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Washington DC Chapter, 9th & 10th (Horse) Cavalry Assn.

Buffalo Soldiers
Greater Washington DC Chapter
9th and 10th (Horse) Cavalry Association



Chapter Events
Buffalo Soldier Heraldry
Buffalo Soldier History
Roll Call
Trooper Mark Matthews

25th Infantry Regiment

This page is dedicated to Trooper Bill Aleshire who has passed on to Fiddler's Green.
Trooper Aleshire was the former Historian for our Chapter. The major source for this
modest tribute to the 25th Infantry Regiment is the scholarly military history of one
of the four Buffalo Soldier regiments entitled, THE TWENTY-FIFTH INFANTRY ,
compiled and edited by Captain John H. Nankivell, published by the Twenty-Fifth
Infantry, United States Army, 1927.

In the 1870's the 25th Infantry Regiment was very much engaged in the defense of
Texas against hostile Commanches and Kiowas. An excerpt from Captain Nanivell's
text provides a brief glimpse from Army Organization Returns.

On July 1, 1898, Companies C, D, E, G and H exhibited valor in the highest traditons
of the U.S. Army in charging up the hill in Cuba to seize the Spanish fort known as
El Caney. The gallant charge is wonderfully captured in the report of Lieutenant
Colonel A.S. Daggett, the Commanding Officer of the 25th Infantry Regiment.

Little study is conducted of the U.S. Army during the Philippine Insurrection, however,
Buffalo Soldiers once again went in harms way in service to their country. A Denver,
Colorado newspaper article succinctly captures the dangers of this service reporting
on action occurring on January 31, 1900.

A battle on the border with Mexico at Nogales on August 30, 1918 involving the
10th Cavalry and the 35th Infantry resulted in 129 American KIA and 300 Mexican
KIA. Following this battle the 25th Infantry was rushed to Nogales to secure the border.

In World War II the 25th Infantry Regiment (Colored) was an organic component of
the 93rd Infantry Division (Colored) and served in the Pacific Theater of Operations.
The regiment departed San Francisco on 24 January 1944 and arrived on Guadalcanal
in echelons between 7 February and 5 March 1944. From there the regiment was transferred
to Bougainville and attached to the Americal Division to take part in offensive operations
against Japanese forces on that island in April and May of the same year. From 26 May to
21 June the regiment was stationed on the Green Islands where it received further training
and was employed for the construction of defensive fortifications and installations. From
10 November 1944 to 30 March 1945 the 25th Infantry Regiment was involved in defensive actions
around Finschafen New Guinea. The regiment's final transfer during World War II was to Morotai
Island where it arrived by 12 April 1945 where it once again participated in offensive operations
until the end of the war.

Major Walter B. Sanderson, Jr.

The distinctive Regimental Coat of Arms
of the 25th Infantry Regiment superbly captures the history of the Regiment.

Companies C and E, 25th Infantry and 10th Cavalry
at Muster and Inspection,
Fort Assiniboine, Montana, 1897

25th Infantry at Patagonia, Arizona

25th Infantry Regiment enroute to the
Philippine Islands Aboard the USS Pennsylvania
July 1, 1899

Company B, 25th Infantry Regiment
Fort Snellings, Minnesota

Company M, 25th Infantry Regiment
Camp Stehpen D. Little, Nogales, Arizona

Colonel George Lippitt Andrews
Commander of the 25th Infantry Regiment

Colonel Joseph Mower
Commander 39th Infantry Regiment
Commander 25th Infantry Regiment

Field and Staff Officers 25th Infantry Regiment
Fort Niobrara, Nebraska

Detachments and Service and Headquarters Companies
25th Infantry Regiment
Douglas, Arizona

Hunting Parties from Companies B and E
Fort Buford, North Dakota

Regimental Medical Detachment

Mortal Wound at Mount Arayat, Philippine Islands

Non-commissioned Officers, Company E
Fort Buford, North Dakota

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